Predator/Prey Workshop Proceedings Available

Predator/Prey Workshop Proceedings Available

Papers presented during the workshop "Predators and Prey: Integrating Management to Achieve Conservation Objectives," held during the 72nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, have been posted to the Websites of the cosponsoring organizations, the Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) and the Wildlife Management Institute (WMI). In addition, the papers were published in the Transactions of the 72nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.

The full-day workshop was attended by more than 200 people from all regions of North America. Its agenda covered management implications of the predator/prey relationships of wolves and mountain lions and their prey base. Also addressed was the impact of predation on waterfowl and upland game species.

The workshop's collection of scientific papers marks an important milestone in documenting the integration of predator management into other conservation endeavors. It also represents the current state of knowledge on this topic.????

During the past few years, SCIF has become a major funder and partner on more than 20 new predator/prey research projects. Follow-up activities now being implemented as a result of the workshop will further enhance understanding of predators and how to integrate their management into broad conservation programs. Plans are underway to host another workshop on this topic at a future North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.

To access the "Predators and Prey: Integrating Management to Achieve Conservation Objectives" paper, plus additional information on SCIF's Conservation program and potential grant opportunities, visit the SCIF website. The papers also can be found in the Projects section of the WMI website. The 72nd North American Conference Transactions can be purchased at the WMI store.

June 16, 2009