WMI Staff

Tony Wasley

Photo of Tony Wasley

Tony Wasley is the President of the Wildlife Management Institute (WMI). As President of WMI, Tony serves on the American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP), Council to Advance Hunting and Shooting Sports (CAHSS), and the USGS Cooperative Research Units, National Cooperators’ Coalition (NCC). He is a professional member of the Boone and Crockett Club and The Wildlife Society.

Before joining WMI, Tony served as Director of the Nevada Department of Wildlife for ten years, where he also served as the state deer biologist, an area biologist, and a habitat staff specialist. He previously chaired the North American Wetland Conservation Council (NAWCC), served as President of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA), sat on the Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council (a federal advisory committee to the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture), and was president of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA).  He graduated from the National Conservation Leadership Institute, received B.S. degrees in Wildlife Management and Biological Sciences from California State University, Chico, and earned an M.S. in Biology from Idaho State University.

Reno, NV 89521

Scot Williamson

Vice President
Northeast Field Representative
Photo of Scot Williamson - WMI Vice President

Scot Williamson is Vice President of the Wildlife Management Institute. Scot has been with WMI since 1994 and has assisted Northeastern states and conservation groups on a number of wildlife and land management initiatives. The WMI publication, "Feeding Wildlife, Just Say No!" was authored by Scot and received the Wildlife Society Conservation Education Award in 2003. Scot's current duties include coordination of multi-state habitat conservation initiatives dedicated to conservation and restoration of shrubland-dependent wildlife, and advancement of landscape level science collaboratives (Landscape Conservation Cooperatives).

Prior to joining WMI, Scot was Big Game Director for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and White-tailed Deer Project Leader for NH Fish and Game Department. Scot received a MS in Wildlife Science from the University of Vermont and a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from the Pennsylvania State University.

4426 VT Route 215N
Cabot, Vermont 05647
802-563-2087, phone 

Director of Special Programs
Photo of Matthew Dunfee - WMI Projects Manager

Matt Dunfee is the Director of Special Programs for the Wildlife Management Institute. In his past and current positions with WMI, he has served as the Conservation Program Specialist in WMI's Washington D.C. Headquarters where he worked on numerous projects related to North American wildlife conservation, private lands programs, and hunting heritage. He also serves as the Director of the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, the Project Coordinator for the North American Hunting Heritage Action Plan, and the Chair of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, and Co-Chair of the National Hunting and Shooting Sports Action Plan. In his current roles, Matt serves on numerous professional committees and boards including the AFWA Fish and Wildlife Health Committee, national and regional AFWA Hunting and Shooting Sports Participation Committees, the Hunting Heritage Steering Committee, the Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow Advisory Committee, the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Meeting Steering Committee, and the International Hunter Education Association Standards Committee. Following his leadership in developing evaluation toolkits for hunter and shooter R3 efforts, Matt has conducted numerous multi-day training and information workshops for state and federal wildlife agency staff and administrators on R3 strategies, program development, evaluation, and best practices.

Previous to his work with WMI, Matt worked as a program coordinator for the Center for Environmental Management on Military Lands and research associate with the National Park Service's Bison Management Working Group.  He received his B.S. in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology from Colorado State University.

2130 Sheffield Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526

Relevancy Specialist
headshot of Ann Forstchen

Ann Forstchen joined WMI in January 2022 after more than 32 years with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission working in a variety of research and administrative roles. Her current work focuses on helping conservation agencies improve conservation outcomes by identifying, engaging and serving broader constituencies. This will help conservation and conservation agencies be more relevant, valued and supported by the public. She has collaborated in the development of and co-led training efforts for wildlife conservation agency staff, such as Wildlife Governance Principles, Application of Social Science in Wildlife Management, Public Trust, Integration of Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management, Basis for Wildlife Governance, Systems Thinking, Habits and Practices of Effective Wildlife Professionals and Ethical Considerations in Fish and Wildlife Conservation.

Her work has emphasized how staff can think more inclusively and holistically, how to broaden diversity of perspectives in decision-making processes and how to improve individual staff practices to better serve the increasingly diverse interests, needs and concerns of the public. She is a frequent special session organizer and presenter about state agency relevance at the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Ann is a member of the Fish and Wildlife Relevancy Roadmap Coordination and Implementation Team. Ann has co-authored several book chapters and published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Society Bulletin, Conservation Letters, The Wildlife Professional, Society and Natural Resources, Human Dimensions of Wildlife; and the Transactions of the North American Wildlife Conferences. She is a National Conservation Leadership Institute (NCLI) Fellow (Cohort 7) and Peer Coach for NCLI Cohorts 10,11, 13 and 15.

3008 York St. S
Gulfport, FL 33707

Jonathan Gassett, Ph.D.

Southeastern Field Representative
Photo  of Jonathon Gassett - WMI Southeastern Field Representative

Jon Gassett served as Commissioner for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) for eight years. As Commissioner, he provided general supervision and control of all activities, functions, appointments, and employees of the KDFWR. Primary responsibilities included oversight of all agency divisions including, but not limited to, strategic planning, personnel management, program oversight, budget development and tracking, and statutory, regulatory, and policy development. Prior to his appointment as Commissioner, Jon served as Wildlife Division Director (four years) and Big Game Coordinator (two years) with the KDFWR. Jon has served as President of the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and has chaired numerous committees in all three Associations. Jon serves on the Board of Directors of the National Conservation Leadership Institute and the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Initiative. 

Jon is a graduate of the inaugural class of the National Conservation Leadership Institute and holds a Ph.D. and M.S degree in Forest Resources from the University of Georgia and a B.S. degree in Biology from Kennesaw State University.

226 Victoria Way
Georgetown, KY 40324

Project and Grant Administrator
Meghan Gilbart profile photo

Meghan Gilbart has worked for WMI since 2010, handling project and account administration for multiple Federal grants programs. Meghan works closely with project investigators and administrators to track project deliverables and coordinate payments. She manages online content for one of the grant programs WMI administrates, the Regional Conservation Needs program. Meghan prepares monthly invoices and handles accounts for several grants and agreements with WMI. She follows the Federal reporting requirements for the Federal awards to WMI.

Meghan received her M.S. degree in Restoration Ecology from California State University, Chico and her B.S. from the University of California, Davis, in Biology with an emphasis in Restoration Ecology. While in California she worked for River Partners as a Restoration Fellow. After moving to Vermont, she worked as a Habitat Restoration Specialist in Vermont for the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District.

Meghan currently lives in Vermont with her husband and three boys.

P.O Box 815

Colchester, VT 05446

Bill Moritz

Midwest Field Representative
Bill Moritz

Bill Moritz has a B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology from Iowa State University, a M.S. in Fish and Wildlife Management from Montana State University, and a Ph.D. in Zoology from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  In addition, Bill completed coursework for a Masters in Public Affairs at Southern Illinois University.  Bill formerly served as the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Natural Resources Deputy.  Previously, Bill was the Executive Director of the Safari Club International and Safari Club International Foundation.  Prior to those positions, Bill worked for Michigan DNR in various positions including Chief of the Wildlife Division. Bill joined WMI in 2018.

The Midwest Field Representative serves as WMI’s liaison with the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.  In addition, Bill works with federal, state, and non-governmental organizations to advance conservation efforts in the Midwest as well as serving on WMI teams that review and evaluate national, regional, and state conservation programs.

1608 Packwood Road
Fairfield, Iowa 52556

Jen Newmark

Western Conservation Coordinator
Jen Newmark

Jen Newmark is the Western Conservation Coordinator for the Wildlife Management Institute, joining the organization in April 2024. In this role, Jen works with western states and Canadian provinces on conservation initiatives, agency engagement and other topics. Currently, an area of emphasis is working with the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies on landscape connectivity and conservation.

Prior to WMI, Jen was the Wildlife Diversity Division Administrator for the Nevada Department of Wildlife – overseeing terrestrial non-game management and implementation of the Nevada State Wildlife Action Plan. Jen has chaired regional and national committees and work groups and participated in several initiatives, notably on OneHealth and State Wildlife Action Plans and their use in Landscape Conservation. Jen is a member of the Fish and Wildlife Relevancy Roadmap Coordination and Implementation Team, is a National Conservation Leadership Institute Fellow and a professional member of The Wildlife Society. Jen has her roots in the Natural Heritage system and has worked on wildlife conservation for more than 25 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology from the University of Nevada Reno and a Master of Art in Biology from Boston University.

Reno, NV 89506 

Christian Smith, CWB

Western Field Representative
Photo of Chris Smith - WMI Western Field Representative

Chris Smith is the Western Field Representative for the Wildlife Management Institute. Chris has over 34 years experience in planning, management, research, supervision and administration of resource conservation programs throughout Alaska and Montana.  He has extensive involvement with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and inter-agency teams. Chris has specialized training and experience in wildlife policy and law, public involvement, conflict resolution, personnel management, and strategic planning.

Prior to joining WMI, Chris served as Deputy Director for the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks for 11 years. Prior to working in Montana, Chris worked for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. In his 23 years working for Alaska, he rose from Fisheries Technician to Assistant Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation. Chris holds a B.S. Degree in Wildlife Management from the University of Alaska and a M.S. Degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of British Columbia.

2559 Primrose Lane
Helena, MT 59601