MIA Transactions Alive, Well and Available

MIA Transactions Alive, Well and Available

Lost for a time in Cyberspace, the Transactions of the 73rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference has been recovered and can be obtained as a PDF at the WMI Store. This Transactions contains plenary, special session and workshop presentations at the 2008 North American Conference, which was held in March of that year, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The 73rd Conference and opening session theme was "Effective Conservation through Partnerships." It featured remarks by Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) President Steve Williams and Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Edward T. Schafer.

The Transactions includes papers from the event's four special sessions?"Cover Operatons: Hatching the Game Bird Plans," "Mitigation: Brokering, Bargaining and Bartering Natural Resources," "Conservation Partnerships: Effective Military Natural Resource Conservation," and "Access: The Foundation of a Successful Natural Resource."??

Also included are presentations from two workshops?"The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation; Affirming the Role, Strength and Relevance of Hunting in the 21st Century," and "Climate Change Impacts on Wildlife, Fisheries and Outdoor Recreation in North America."?

The volume also highlights the George Bird Grinnell Award and WMI's Presidents Award, honoring Gary T. Myers and Bob Carmichael, respectively.

Edited by Jennifer Rahm, the 73rd Transactions joins the 74th (2009), which was released last month, as the first two exclusively electronic versions in the important serialized documentation of the management philosophy, policy and professional business of conservation in North America. The PDF price is $25.00.

September 15, 2009