Outdoor News Bulletin

Outdoor News Bulletin

July 2024 Edition | Volume 78, Issue 7 | Published since 1946

Understanding the Management, Funding, and Staffing of Human-Wildlife Conflicts by State Fish and Wildlife Agencies

In 2023, a project was funded through the Multistate Conservation Grant Program (Grant F23AP00472) to examine the costs associated with human-wildlife conflict (HWC). The project was conducted by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) and the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA), with the assistance of Southwick Associates and the Wildlife Management Institute. The purpose of this project was to survey state wildlife professionals on how wildlife conflict is mitigated, funded, and staffed to gain a comprehensive understanding of HWC management strategies in all 50 states. The objective was to determine the current status of staffing, expenditures, statutes, regulations, and policies related to HWC for 50 state wildlife agencies and provide recommendations that increase effectiveness and delivery of programs nationally. The intended outcome was a comprehensive resource that individual states can use as a reference to guide decisions.

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President's Message

Bridging the Divide

An adjective often used to characterize today’s socio-cultural and socio-political environments is the word “divisive.” In July of 2023, a Pew Research Center survey of Americans’ views on the current state of US politics, revealed that the single most used word to describe U.S. politics was the word “divisive,” followed closely by the runner-up, “corrupt.” Part of the problem is that too many issues of debate are grossly oversimplified and conveniently portrayed in binary contexts of right versus wrong, us versus them, good versus bad, urban versus rural, or red versus blue, among others.

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OICC Partner Story: The Power of Local Retail

Your hometown sporting goods store doesn’t just sell gear. It also dispenses valuable intel about where to use that new rod or gun.

Richard Sprague has owned Sprague’s Sports gun store in Yuma, Ariz., for nearly 40 years. He literally grew up in the store, which was founded by his father 68 years ago, and while it’s changed physical locations, doubled in size, and added a full indoor gun range, Sprague’s still delivers the same value proposition to its customers: fair prices on good products, with full service after the sale and local intel on where to use the gear customers buy there.

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