Climate Smart Adaptation to be Featured at March Workshop

Climate Smart Adaptation to be Featured at March Workshop

To date, most discussions concerning climate change have focused on the role of mitigation or ways to limit the potential scale of change. However, as some degree of climate change is becoming inevitable and the ability to limit it is becoming apparent, a new focus on climate change adaptation?"climate smart conservation"?is rapidly gaining interest and acceptance. This new approach to managing natural resources in a shifting environment places emphasis on anticipating and preparing for change by ensuring that existing and new conservation efforts are designed to be effective and relevant in an altered climate.

"Climate Smart Adaptation: A Guide for On-the-ground Action" will be held in conjunction with the 77th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference on Monday morning, March 12, 2012, at the Hilton Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia. The workshop will address the challenge of developing guidance and reaching consensus on what climate smart conservation means and how to apply the tenets of climate change adaptation to conservation efforts.

Sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation in partnership with federal and state agencies and nongovernmental conservation organizations, the workshop will review existing and ongoing efforts to characterize climate smart conservation. In addition to reviewing several basic principles and planning processes that can guide climate smart conservation, it will highlight case studies from across the country (e.g., the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay and San Francisco Bay) to illustrate climate change adaptation efforts currently underway. Presenters will include members of the climate smart working group.

For more information, contact workshop coordinators Naomi Edelson?or Doug Parsons.

Additional information about this workshop and other special events at the 77th North American Conference will become available on the conference website in the coming months.

October 18, 2011