Farm Bill Reauthorization Gains Momentum

Farm Bill Reauthorization Gains Momentum

Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are moving forward with legislation to reauthorize the federal Farm Bill. The Farm Bill provides significant funding for implementing conservation practices on private farms, ranches, and forestlands. The most recent Farm Bill was enacted in 2018 and was supposed to be reauthorized in 2023 but was extended for a year to allow Congress time to negotiate a bill that could be enacted this Congress.

In late May, the House Agriculture Committee passed a reauthorization bill that was introduced by committee Chairman “GT” Thompson. In the Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow released a draft framework in early May and on June 11, Ranking Member John Boozman released an alternative framework.

Conservation and forestry programs remain a priority in all drafts of the bills, however there are differences in certain provisions including whether to create a new Forest Conservation Easement Program. In spite of the differences, the potential for enacting a Farm Bill in this Congress has significantly increased as committee leaders negotiate key provisions within each of the bills.

June 14, 2024