
For over 80 years, the Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) has administered the North American Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference, the premier annual gathering of the natural resource profession's top administrators, scientists, managers, and educators. The North American Conference sessions, workshops and more than 150 separate meetings and functions, serve as the annual forum to set conservation policy in North America and we invite you to join us a valued exhibitor.

Exhibits from previous conferences include those from conservation organizations, state and federal agency programs, jewelry and clothing sales, data systems, technology transfer companies, resource management equipment vendors, artwork, and publications. The conference typically has 1,500 attendees and is a prime opportunity to make contact with North America's wildlife management professionals, including administrators of federal, state and provincial wildlife and other natural resource agencies, college and university program leaders, heads of leading private conservation organizations, and other managers, scientists, researchers, officials and students of natural resources.

Exhibitor Brochure

Online Exhibitor Registration

Already registered? View the Partner & Exhibitor Guide which includes all the information you need for your planning purposes.

Cancellation Policy

In the event that the Exhibitor/Partner must cancel their participation, they must notify the Exhibitor/Sponsor Coordinator (karen@delaneymeetingevent.com) in writing before February 21, 2025 to receive a refund less a $100 administrative fee. Cancellation received after February 21, 2025 obligates the exhibitor to forfeiture of all monies paid.

Want More Exposure?

If you are interested in gaining more exposure for your organization, consider also becoming a partner by hosting a coffee break or another event. Partnership information is available here or by contacting Matt Dunfee at 970-556-5897. Conference partners are entitled to complimentary exhibit space!

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding exhibit space, please contact Karen Forbes, exhibit coordinator.