Outdoor News Bulletin

Outdoor News Bulletin

August 2024 Edition | Volume 78, Issue 8 | Published since 1946

President's Message

The Unintended Effects of Specialization

By now, most of us have seen the viral photograph of the Olympic air pistol shooter representing Turkey, Yusuf Dikec, in his t-shirt and jeans with an unusually casual presence, his offhand nonchalantly tucked into his hip pocket. His demeanor and attire were so “normal” looking, it caught the world by surprise and the photo went viral. Clearly, the expectations we have of competitive performers at the Olympic level conjures imagery of far more specialization. By comparison, other air pistol shooters, including his teammate, were adorned with various head gear, eye wear, ear protection, special clothing, and a myriad of technical accoutrements. The silver medal winning shooter from Turkey looked so casual and comfortable, it made him relatable to everyday citizens and it made what he was doing appear mainstream, attainable, and accessible to all.

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Call for North American Conference Special Session Proposals

The 90th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference will be held March 9-14, 2025, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. The Conference Steering Committee is seeking ideas and participation from professional conservation interests to help develop the conference agenda. In particular, proposals for the four conference Special Sessions are invited. Ideas for prospective plenary keynote speakers are also welcome.

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USGS Cooperative Research Unit Corner

Wildfire and Northern Spotted Owls in the Pacific Northwest

To understand the risk that changing fire regimes may pose to northern spotted owls, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service and Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA National Wildlife Research Center, and the Hoopa Valley Tribe, California, analyzed two long-term datasets. The datasets included over three decades of wildfire frequency and northern spotted owl banding data from 1987 – 2019 and the objective was to determine how past wildfire activity may have influenced spotted owl survival and territory displacement. In addition, the team assessed how changing fire regimes in this region may have affected northern spotted owls.

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