Call for North American Conference Special Session Proposals

Call for North American Conference Special Session Proposals

The 90th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference will be held March 9-14, 2025, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. The Conference Steering Committee is seeking ideas and participation from professional conservation interests to help develop the conference agenda. In particular, proposals for the four conference Special Sessions are invited. Ideas for prospective plenary keynote speakers are also welcome.

Downtown Louisville skyline

Special Session topics should address timely policy and program issues and opportunities related to the practical and philosophical professional management of natural resources. The Steering Committee gives foremost consideration to recommendations that are fully framed for the two-hour time period each Special Session is allotted. Proposals must include the following items:

  • Session Title
  • Names and Affiliations of Proposed Co-Chairs – These individuals (no-less than two) will be responsible for developing the session agenda, coordinating speakers and presentations, and assisting the Conference Chair in collecting session manuscripts from the selected presenters.
  • Description of the Session that includes a) a justification of the challenges to be addressed, b) the tools, research, or tactics needed to address the issue(s), and c) an outline of the desired impact the session will have on attendees.
  • A Proposed Agenda of presentation topics. Preference will be given to agendas that include potential speakers.

Submitted proposals should not exceed two pages. All ideas will be given careful consideration.

Proposals should be emailed to Matt Dunfee ( by September 13th.

Photo Credit
Scott Oves, Flickr
August 15, 2024