Thinking Like a Manager?A new WMI book

Thinking Like a Manager?A new WMI book

The Wildlife Management Institute is very pleased to announce the release of its latest book?Thinking Like a Manager: Reflections on Wildlife Management, by John Organ, Dan Decker, Len Carpenter, Bill Siemer and Shawn Riley.

The 120-page book, with original illustrations by Dan Metz, is a fictional account of six wildlifers, brought together under unusual circumstance, who find common confusion, interest and opportunity in the increasingly important human element in each of their different professional roles and geographies.

The narrative is an entertaining means of exploring the interrelationships of Aldo Leopold's ecological tenets, the public trust doctrine and sociological considerations that, to be professionally effective, every wildlifer must recognize and adopt to some significant degree.

Advance reviewers agree that this book will appeal and be informative to veteran wildlifers as well as wildlife students. For more information about the book and how to order it (only $10.00 U.S. + $2.00 shipping), go to



June 13, 2006