MIA moose book alive, well and improved

MIA moose book alive, well and improved

Recipient of The Wildlife Society's 1998 Editorship Book Award, Ecology and Management of North American Moose, out of print and out of reach for the past four years, is being produced as a second edition by the University Press of Colorado. It is slated for release in October.

The first edition was published in late 1997 by the once-prestigious Smithsonian Institution Press, which tanked approximately four years later, but managed to sell off many of its titles to another publisher. Only a few copies of the moose book were left at that time and they soon disappeared. It was not until late last year that negotiations with the Smithsonian Institution enabled the Wildlife Management Institute to retain full rights and authority over the title.

A fair number of corrections and adjustments were made to the forthcoming edition. As reported in the Library Journal, the book will "appeal to anyone interested in wildlife management in general and in moose in particular. Even the casual reader can spend enjoyable hours browsing through the hundreds of interesting photographs and drawings. Certain to be the standard moose bible for years to come."

Twenty-one wildlife professionals contributed to the book, its topics ranging from natural history to taxonomy, from feeding habits to population dynamics, from predation to migration, from behavior to hunting and harvest management. And more.

From Booklist: "This massive book about the largest deer in the world is an impressive undertaking.... The editors' stated goals were that the book be readable and interesting, and they have succeeded with these expectations?it is fascinating."

Weighing somewhat less that an actual adult moose, the hardcover, second edition of Ecology and Management of North American Moose, at 8.5 x 11 inches, is 776 pages in length, and features 487 black and white photos, 32 color photos, 236 line drawings, 102 maps, 65 tables and 55 pages of references. The book is highlighted by the late William Berry's superb field sketches of moose.

The limited press run of the second edition of Ecology and Management of North American Moose will sell for $75.00 (plus $5.00 shipping for the first book to be sent by media mail or $7 for UPS Ground [trackable]. Add $1.00 for each additional book. Oklahoma residents add 7.5% sales tax. Canadians add 6% GST. For foreign shipping, add $6.00 for the first book and $2.00 for each additional book.) Send mail orders to OUP Distribution Center, 2800 Venture Drive, Norman, Oklahoma 73069, or call 800-627-7377, or fax to 800-735-0476, or order on line at www.upcolorado.com.

June 08, 2007