Birds Get New Bill

Birds Get New Bill

Legislation aimed at fostering new bird joint ventures and strengthening existing ventures has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, reports the Wildlife Management Institute. Congressman Frank Kratovil of Maryland introduced The Joint Ventures for Bird Habitat Conservation Act (HR 2188). It has 3 additional cosponsors. The measure has been referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.

The bill is intended to promote sustainable populations of migratory birds by encouraging public and private partnerships to improve and support science-based migratory bird conservation plans and landscape-level conservation efforts. It does not include a specific level of funding for the joint venture program, but authorizes the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide funding to support joint ventures that are operating under approved implementation plans. Joint ventures currently recognized by the Service will be covered automatically by the bill.

The first hearing on the legislation was scheduled for Wednesday May 13. The actual language of the bill can be accessed at (pmr)


May 14, 2009