CLFT to Conduct Workshops for Federal and State Resource Management Agency Staff

CLFT to Conduct Workshops for Federal and State Resource Management Agency Staff

Following a successful workshop for state wildlife agency employees earlier this year, the Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow (CLfT) program will host three workshops in 2010-11 for nonhunting, federal and state natural resource management personnel in communication, administration and management positions. CLfT is a joint program of the Wildlife Management Institute and the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. It was initiated in 2004, to provide university Juniors, Seniors and graduate students in natural resource degree programs with an understanding of hunting in relation to conservation. More than 310 students and approximately 35 agency staff and university faculty members have gone through workshops. Program success in terms of improving understanding of hunting's relationship to conservation, as measured by the participants, is 96 percent. The 2010 workshop for employees from six wildlife agencies around the country reportedly was an unqualified success for all.

"The agency participants noted that the experience was very valuable for their better appreciation of what the agency does and why hunters are such ardent and valuable constituents," said Zach Lowe, CLfT Director. "They clearly enjoyed the workshop and were able to ask sensitive questions relative to their professional roles. Several also acknowledged that their exposure to hunting would give them improved credibility with the public and a worthwhile sense of camaraderie with hunters within their agencies."

The agency workshops will be conducted at the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation in Dundee, Illinois. The dates are November 14-19, January 2-7 and January 16-21. There will be no cost to the participants or participating agencies other than the cost of transportation to and from the Foundation, which will be coordinated by CLfT. All state fish and wildlife agencies, plus the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Natural Resource Conservation Service will be invited to send nonhunting staff members who would benefit from the events.

"As with our student workshops, we will make it clear that CLfT is not about recruiting hunters. The program will provide participants with a lot of information about the diverse roles of recreational hunting and enough skills to experience a hunt toward the end of the program, if they so choose," said Lowe. "CLfT is about making sure that resource management decisions and actions are considered by people who recognize and appreciate the important and multiple values of recreational hunting, whether or not those people are hunters."

Each four-day workshop will involve no more than 18 participants. Nine or more experienced CLfT instructors will ensure a safe, informative and worthwhile professional development investment.

You can learn more about the CLfT program on their website. For more information about the agency workshops, contact Zach Lowe at

September 16, 2010