July 2021 Edition | Volume 75, Issue 7
Published since 1946
WMI Seeks Project Manager for “Towards an Integrated Nationwide Biodiversity Data Management System” Project
The Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) is searching for a Project Manager to lead the “Towards an Integrated Nationwide Biodiversity Data Management System” project. The objective of this project is to develop a state-led and nationally coordinated integrated data system for geospatial information on fish, wildlife, and habitats. The project will build on existing regional data integration efforts such as the “Nature’s Network” with the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy or “SECAS” with the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, the Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool or “CHAT” with the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and the ongoing work of the Midwest Landscape Initiative with the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Through the terms of this Agreement, substantial involvement is anticipated between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, the lead federal agency for the project), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (USFWS), WMI, and the Project Manager. A summary of the involvement is as follows: “The project will be carried out in close partnership with USGS personnel during all phases. The Wildlife Management Institute and the Project Manager will engage regularly with USGS scientists and managers from the Cooperative Research Units (CRU) Program. USGS CRU will provide technical support in geospatial data analysis, provide guidance to engage with university faculty and students, as well as strong long-term partnerships with senior leadership of the State fish and wildlife agencies. Additionally, the USGS will review all phases of the project for satisfactory completion prior to approving a subsequent state.”
The Project Manager will identify, compare, and contrast the data components of existing integrated and standalone biodiversity data management systems of universities, federal land management agencies, and state fish and wildlife agencies. Work requires categorizing database platforms, geographic information systems, data collection, and data standards for each database system for further review by technical experts. The Project Manager will measure the level of interest from each reviewed entity for engagement in a national integrated biodiversity data management system. This measure will include state and federal agency interest in collaborating in a nationwide system, legal constraints to database integration, applicable database use policies and regulations, and agency requirements for data sharing. In addition, the work includes an assessment of the existing and desired applications of the nationwide integrated biodiversity data management system for species and habitat conservation.